The Mass of Resurrection will be celebrated at 11:00 AM.
After Mass, Father Madej will bless Swienconka baskets containing the Easter food that parishioners traditionally share on Easter morning.

Bring your food in a basket lined and covered with clean linen or cotton towels. A typical swieconka basket contains:
- Hard-boiled eggs (pisanki). Symbols of life and rebirth
- Sausage (kielbasa), ham and/or smoked bacon.
- Paschal lamb. It can be made of butter, cake or even plaster. It is the centerpiece of the meal. Christ is seen as the “Lamb of God.”
- Horseradish/pepper. They symbolize the bitter herbs of the Passover and the Exodus.
- Salt. Joins bread in Polish tradition as a sign of hospitality.
- Bread. Christ is “the Bread of Life.”
- Vinegar. Symbolizes the gall given to Christ at the crucifixion.
- Wine. Symbolizes the blood of sacrifice spilled by Christ at the crucifixion.
Traditions vary from family to family and have changed with each passing generation. Some families allow children to place chocolate into the basket. A colorful ribbon and sometimes sprigs of greenery are often attached.
Come join us in this meaningful tradition that celebrates rebirth and renewal.