Chicken and Biscuit Dinner
Chicken and Biscuit Dinner Read More »
The best food, the best service, and the easiest parking in town.
Holy Cross is having another great picnic on
Sunday, June 12, 2011 from 12:30 til 3:30 PM at our Church grounds and Parish hall.
3690 Armstrong Road, Lakeland/Camillus.
Free Admission.
Order a Polish Sampler Platter or order your favorites separately:
Kielbasa Sandwiches                                       Haluski
Hamburgers                                                        Hot Dogs
Golumpki                                                             Kapusta (Polish Cabbage)
Pierogi (Potato or Kapusta)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Salt Potatoes
Soft Drinks and bottled water                    Coffee, Tea
Ice Cream Sundaes
Take-out and Frozen Bulk Orders Available
For more information call 315 468-6140
Polish Picnic – Sunday June 12 – Polish Soul Food Read More »
Pancakes, Meat, Juice, Potatoes, and Coffee
Joe is making another great pancake breakfast this Saturday, June 4th from 8:30 til Noon.
Holy Cross Parish Hall
3690 Armstrong Road, Camillus/Lakeland
Adults: $6.00
Seniors 65 and over: $5.00
Children 4-12: $4.00
For more information, call 315-468-6140
Pancake Breakfast – Saturday June 4, 2011 Read More »
Eat hearty on a cold winter night with Joe’s hot, home-made spaghetti dinner:
Pasta, meat or marinara (vegetarian) sauce, Italian bread, salad, dessert, and a beverage.
Where: Holy Cross National Catholic Church Parish Hall, 3590 Armstrong Road, Camillus/Lakeland, NY 13209
When: Saturday, February 26, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Donation: Adults: $8.00; Seniors 65 and over: $7.00; Children 4-12: $5.00.
For more information: Call 315 468-6140.
Start the New Year right and warm your body and soul with a hearty and delicious, homemade Polish Dinner including Kielbasa, Golumpki, Pierogi, Kapusta, Haluski, Salt Potatoes, Bread, a Beverage, and Dessert!
Where: Holy Cross Church, 3690 Armstrong Road, Lakeland/Camillus, NY
When: Saturday, January 22, 2011Â from 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Adults: $10.00
Seniors 65 and over: $9.00
Children 4 to 12: $5.00
For more information: Call Steve or Pat Zalewski at 315-488-0104
Winter Polish Dinner Read More »
On Saturday, November 20th, Holy Cross Church and Our Lady of Peace Church jointly sponsored a Spaghetti Dinner held in the Holy Cross Parish Hall. Anyone who donated at least one non-perishable food item for Our Lady of Peace’s Food Pantry received a free meal! Nearly all of our generous diners donated much more than one item, some folks coming in with whole bags of food. It was wonderful to see the donations piling up in the church foyer.
This was the first joint event for the two Lakeland neighborhood churches and, because it was such a great success, it won’t be the last. Our Lady of Peace volunteers are already planning to have next year’s event at their church hall.
Thanks to our neighborhood merchants and some cash donations, the event cost nothing! We received:
There were over a dozen volunteers from each church who worked hard together to plan the event, solicit donations, set up the hall, prepare a delicious meal, serve it, and clean up afterward. And, over twenty bakers from both churches made cakes for dessert. Thank you all so much.
Father Fetcho of Our Lady of Peace paid his first visit to our Parish and spent the evening enjoying everyone’s company, but especially that of Father Senior Walter Madej. By the end of the evening they were like old buddies. It was great to see.
This event made us aware of the great need in our neighborhood, that our neighbors are willing to meet the need by their generous gifts, and that we are ready to work together to get it done. It was a terrific night!
Food Pantry Dinner – A Great Success Read More »
Come enjoy a hearty and delicious, homemade Polish Dinner including Kielbasa, Golumpki, Pierogi, Kapusta, Haluski, Salt Potatoes, Bread, a Beverage, and Dessert!
Where: Holy Cross Church, 3690 Armstrong Road, Lakeland/Camillus, NY
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Adults: $10.00
Seniors 65 and over: $9.00
Children 4 to 12: $5.00
For more information: Call Steve or Pat Zalewski at 315-488-0104
Polish Heritage Dinner Read More »
Find your treasure at our giant rummage sale!
Where: Holy Cross Church Parish Hall 3690 Armstrong Road, Camillus/Lakeland
When: Friday, September 24Â and Saturday, September 25
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
We’ll also be selling home made donuts made fresh on site to snack on while you shop.  Coffee and Cider too!
For a map to our location, please scroll down the page.
Giant Rummage Sale Read More »
Knowing that the Memorial Day Mass would be held at the cemetery altar, Bob Kolonko, our grounds-keeper and cemetery sexton, took the initiative to clean and repair it. As a result, it has never looked better, except possibly, when it was brand new. And most of us can’t remember that far back.
Thank you, Bob, for doing such a wonderful job. It made our Memorial Day service all the more respectful to those we loved and to our veterans.
Thanks to Debbie Kolonko for the photo.
Cemetery Altar Cleaned and Repaired Read More »
Enjoy great food, music, and family fun at our annual Fall Community Picnic!
When: Sunday, September 13, 2009
Holy Mass is at 11:00 AM; Picnic runs from 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Where: Holy Cross National Catholic Church Grounds
3690 Armstrong Road, Camillus, NYÂ (near Lakeland: see map below)
Raffles: Chinese auction; 50-50, Mystery Bags, etc.
Entertainment: DJ: Polka Stoney
Annual Fall Community Picnic Read More »